Scream: Season One Episode Two | Recap



Scream season two aired on Monday night, so admittedly I am a tad late.

But I have my reasons. It wasn’t because I wasn’t looking forward to watching the series and it wasn’t because I didn’t miss the gorgeous face of Kieran Wilcox/Amadeus Serefini (be still my beating heart) – but because I had a plan.

Having been away at a music festival all weekend, and then attending another smaller day-long one closer to home on Monday, I booked Tuesday off work and planned to binge watch the whole series in one go.


Alas Netflix decided to upload the series one episode at a time, the big great tease.

But I suppose that means more opportunities to write about the show *cough* ramble on about how cute Kieran is *cough*.

So the episode begins with an overly corny scene that wouldn’t look out of place in the original Scream films, complete with an opening of a ringing phone. At first I’m thinking who the frick are these characters and where are all the hotties, as I wait for the (new?) killer to strike again.

It soon unveils that it’s just a movie, which brings us to Audrey rolling her eyes and looking entirely bored at the cinema, where she is now working.

It’s mere seconds before we’re brought into the action and she’s receiving some creepy texts, jumping straight into the storyline of yes, the killer (or a new killer, anyway) is on the loose.

Smooth move, Scream. It’s the whole basis of the show and although we know there’s not really anywhere else for the main storyline to go, the show doesn’t waste it’s time by trying to keep us guessing.

We don’t need to be kept in the dark about what this season is obviously going to entail – we already know, and we already love it. We’ve seen it before and we’re eager to see it again because we know the show can do it, despite earlier doubts (I certainly wondered how a slasher horror could be spread out over an entire TV series).

Still, I have a sneaky feeling that there’s still going to be a whole lot of twists.


We’re also immediately faced with a brand new storyline, which is whatever Audrey’s involvement is with the killer.

We’re eager to know the truth, but somehow I still cannot just yet hate her and I still believe (or hope) that she’s a good one deep down and that it’s all a big misunderstanding.

Soon we’re reunited with main character Emma as she reunites with her friends, following a break away from school. Little has changed, except Emma and Kieran have clearly split up, Audrey has become a bit of an internet hero and Brooke and Jake are hooking up.

But not for long. (Dun, dun DUUUUUUNNNN)

Of course Emma just wants things to be back to normal and we’re also introduced to a new level of her and Kieran’s relationship – I think this season is going to very much be a will-they-wont-they. They share a few tentative moments – and a few kisses – but I’m unsure about how I feel about this.

On one hand, I’m pretty tired of the whole ‘they broke up over the summer/between seasons’ things, giving shows the chance to spice things up between the two main love interests. It seems a bit like a cop out to me that a major change happened between them off screen and we know nothing about it.

On the other hand, it is slightly refreshing that the characters have clearly taken a step back from their relationship with the pressure and stress that Emma is over, yet are still on speaking terms.

Too often we come back to a show with a couple broken up and at each other’s throats.

It’s a storyline that I think will also be really interesting, and I enjoyed that during this episode we managed to see Kieran’s sensitive side a bit more.

It’s easy to see him being entirely supportive of Emma and okay with them splitting up, but there’s a moment later in the episode where they share the night together yet afterwards he’s weird with her, ignoring her texts and avoiding her.


It shows a side of him that’s kind of cold but also so normal and human. It gives his character more depth to know that at the end of the day, he can be a typical guy who can come across as a bit of a douche now and then, too.

Speaking of guys, I’m not surprised to see Brooke and Jake hooking up, but I am surprised at how happy I am about it. I didn’t ship them last season, but I did feel they would make a good couple so it’s nice that the show has played up for that.

Plus Brooke is so pretty and I’m so jealous. #girlcrush.

Oh and Emma is also having these weird ass dreams, like something out of Nightmare on Elm Street. Too creepy.

There’s also a new dude who’s kind of creepy and also kind of hot and a new girl who is new to the show but not to the school obviously and she is super stylish.

I liked how one of the concluding parts of the episode was Emma appearing on Noah’s podcast/radio show to talk about her experience, something she was deadly against when the episode first started. We already see her starting to take steps to slowly move on and regain her control back, so this is nice.

We’re also faced with some interesting letters Audrey had written to Piper in the past - but are they enough to prove she’s an accomplice? The letters are angry and vengeful, no doubt, and we already know Audrey can snap but could her letters just be a way of letting out her anger or is there something more to it?


Who knows - this is going to be an interesting one to find out.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger and full of interest - a main character meets their death and we discover someone is obsessed with Emma.

Bless those kids, they don’t half go through a lot, don’t they?!
