Self-radicalised Singaporean youth who plotted attack on Jews is released

ISD said at he is under a restriction order since March, after making significant progress in his rehabilitation

Amirull Ali had planned to use a Smith and Wesson knife (left) for his attack on the Maghain Aboth synagogue (right) along Waterloo Street. (PHOTOS: MHA / Google Street View screengrab)
Amirull Ali had planned to use a Smith and Wesson knife (left) for his attack on the Maghain Aboth synagogue (right) along Waterloo Street. (PHOTOS: MHA / Google Street View screengrab)

SINGAPORE — A self-radicalised Singaporean man was released on a restriction order in March this year, after being detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) since February 2021 for planning a knife attack on Jews at a synagogue.

ISD said in a media release on Wednesday (3 May) that Amirull Ali, 20, has made significant progress in his rehabilitation, and has renounced his radical beliefs such as planning to join the military wing of Hamas in Gaza to fight against Israel.

“Amirull has responded well to his rehabilitation, with the extensive support of the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), as well as his family, who visited him weekly during his detention and were a source of constant encouragement,” ISD said.

“Given the good progress he has made in his rehabilitation, Amirull was released on a restriction order in March 2023."

During the launch of a new RRG gallery on Wednesday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong also mentioned that Amirull has aspirations of becoming a chef.

He also provided an update on the self-radicalisation situation in Singapore, stating that since the rise of the Islamic State in 2015, ISD has dealt with 49 self-radicalised individuals under ISA, which is four times more than the number of cases in the preceding period from 2007 to 2014.

He said: "Of the 49 self-radicalised individuals, 37 are Singaporeans. They include women and worryingly, many youths. 11 are aged 20 or younger. 5 of the youths even wanted to mount attacks in Singapore."

Psychological support

During his rehabilitation, Amirull had access to religious counselling from an RRG counsellor who helped him to understand and embrace a pro-social understanding of Islamic principles.

The counsellor assisted him in improving his religious knowledge and helped him to renounce his previous radical beliefs.

“Through the interactions, he has come to understand that while one may sympathise with the plight of people caught in the crosshairs of a conflict such as that between Israel and Palestine, we should never resort to or advocate violence as a solution,” explained ISD.

Other than religious counselling, ISD case officers and a psychologist also worked with Amirull to help him strengthen his critical thinking and emotion regulation skills, reducing his vulnerability to radical influences.

Amirull has since renounced his radical beliefs and believes that jihad means caring for his parents, improving himself, and contributing to society.

He also understands the importance of living harmoniously with people of other races and religions in Singapore, verifying any religious information that he is unsure about with locally accredited religious teachers and scholars, added ISD.

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