Sen. Mike Lee Mocked For Bland Newspaper Op-Ed Written In Third Person

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is being mocked for an op-ed touting himself in the Salt Lake Tribune that reads like a generic website biography — which it is.

Lee’s independent challenger Evan McMullin wrote a passionate pitch to voters for the paper, complying with what the daily said it asked for.

But Lee’s third-person appeal referred to himself by name and had the tone of “a middle schooler’s book report,” Mediaite wrote. Much of it appears to have been lifted from Lee’s Senate website.

Lee’s campaign told HuffPost on Monday that the “standard bio” it submitted was not intended to be an op-ed. (See the statement below.)

The newspaper initially posted Lee’s byline atop the op-ed, a screen grab showed.

(Photo: Salt Lake Tribune)
(Photo: Salt Lake Tribune)

(Photo: Salt Lake Tribune)

But perhaps seeing the absurdity of Mike Lee writing about “Mike Lee,” the newspaper later dropped the author’s name.

“Mike Lee serves as a United States senator representing the state of Utah. Since taking office, Senator Lee has earned a reputation as a principled conservative,” the essay began. “He believes elected officials are responsible for keeping the federal government within its constitutionally limited role.

His respect for the Constitution was instilled early in life by watching his father, Rex E. Lee, argue before the Supreme Court as President Reagan’s Solicitor General. Attending those arguments gave him an up-close understanding of the federal government’s proper role.”

Here’s the op-ed without Lee’s byline, looking like the newspaper wrote it.

(Photo: Salt Lake Tribune)
(Photo: Salt Lake Tribune)

(Photo: Salt Lake Tribune)

The newspaper later changed the byline to “By Campaign for Mike Lee” to reflect that Lee’s campaign “submitted the op-ed.” The newspaper said it told the candidates to “briefly make their case for election.”

Lee’s submission didn’t seem to fit the newspaper’s offer.

Campaign adviser Matt Lusty told HuffPost in a text:

“The Salt Lake Tribune solicited an essay from the campaign for inclusion in their voter guide. We supplied them with a version of Sen. Lee’s standard bio. Not an OPED. It’s regrettable it was presented as being from Senator Lee.”

People on Twitter couldn’t help but riff. “Mike Lee has quite a high opinion of himself, if he does say so himself,” one user wrote.

This article has been updated to include a comment from Lee’s office.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
