Senior China diplomat says important for U.S.-China to meet face-to-face

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo meets with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Bangkok

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi, who meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday, said it was important for China and the United States to meet face-to-face and cooperate no matter how many problems may arise.

Wang said he and Pompeo discussed how to promote stable bilateral relations and that Pompeo made it clear Washington does not aim to contain China's development and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to the One China policy regarding Taiwan.

He said China welcomes the Washington's willingness to restart talks with North Korea on denuclearisation and that Beijing is willing to create favourable conditions to help restart talks between Pyongyang and Washington.

U.S. and Chinese negotiators ended a brief round of trade talks in Bangkok on Wednesday with little sign of progress and agreed to meet again in September, prolonging an uneasy truce in a year-long trade war between the world's two largest economies.

(Reporting by Cate Cadell in BANGKOK, Min Zhang and Lusha Zhang in BEIJING; writing by Se Young Lee; Editing by Michael Perry)