Seth Meyers Impersonates Bernie Sanders To Brutally Mock Ryan Zinke's Cowboy Rant

Seth Meyers mocked the heck out Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) on Wednesday for his conspiracy theory about cowboys ― and the “Late Night” host rounded up his own impression of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to help. (Watch the video below.)

Meyers began by showing Zinke’s jaw-dropping speech on the House floor this week claiming the “deep state” is out to get cowboys.

“There is no doubt the federal government deep state coordinates with liberal activists and uses politicians and willing media to carry their water,” the far-right lawmaker, who was Donald Trump’s interior secretary before resigning in a swirl of scandals. “In many cases, they want to wipe out the American cowboy completely, remove public access to our lands and turn Montana into a national park.”

Meyers highlighted the absurdity of Zinke’s comment by snarking, “Now I guess the idea is the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon all get together behind closed doors with AOC, antifa and Bernie Sanders to plot how to eliminate cowboys.”

Then he adopted Sanders’ for-the-people voice and proclaimed:

“No one person should have a 10-gallon hat when in fact 10 people should all have a 1-gallon hat! How many gallons does one hat need?”
