Seth Meyers Names The 1 Job Marjorie Taylor Greene Should Actually Be Doing

Seth Meyers reckons Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) would be better suited for a minor role in fantasy movie than serving in Congress.

The “Late Night” host roasted the extremist lawmaker Wednesday after she was appointed to serve on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee and Homeland Security Committee.

“It’s especially insane to put Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Homeland Security Committee, given that she has previously espoused some pretty unhinged conspiracy theories,” Meyers said, “like the time she, of course, claimed the 2018 California wildfires were caused by” Jewish space lasers.

“She shouldn’t be on the Homeland Security Committee,” he continued. “She should be an actor with one line in the next ‘Avengers’ movie. ‘Thanos is collecting the sun’s energy and beaming it to the earth to cause wildfires!’”

Watch below on “Late Night.”
