Seth Meyers Spots Picture That Sums Up Ron DeSantis' Doomed Campaign

Seth Meyers on Monday went to town on Republican Ron DeSantis following the Florida governor’s decision to end his 2024 presidential campaign and endorse former President Donald Trump.

The “Late Night” comedian mocked DeSantis for falsely attributing a quote to Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill while announcing the suspension of his run.

Meyers suggested the error wasn’t spotted by DeSantis’ campaign staff because they were by then “pretty checked out.”

He pointed to a photo of Scott Wagner, the head of the DeSantis-allied Never Back Down super PAC, who was caught on camera doing a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle during the final days of the campaign.

“There was even a picture!” said a stunned Meyers.

“It’s a fittingly pathetic end for DeSantis,” he added.

Watch Meyers’ full monologue here:
