Shannen Doherty Launches Podcast as Cancer Spreads to Her Bones: ‘I’m Not Done With Living’

Shannon Doherty, who revealed that her metastatic breast cancer has now spread to her bones, said in a new interview that she’s “not done with living.”

The 52-year-old actress, best known for her role as Brenda Walsh on ’90s hit series “Beverly Hills, 90210,” is launching the “Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty” podcast on iHeartRadio Dec. 6.

She hopes to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and show that people with terminal cancer like herself are still capable of working and contributing.

“I’m not done with living. I’m not done with loving. I’m not done with creating. I’m not done with hopefully changing things for the better. I’m just not — I’m not done,” she told People in an excerpt from their cover story published on Wednesday.

“People just assume that it means you can’t walk, you can’t eat, you can’t work. They put you out to pasture at a very early age. ‘You’re done, you’re retired,’ and we’re not,” Doherty said. “We’re vibrant, and we have such a different outlook on life. We are people who want to work and embrace life and keep moving forward.”

Doherty was first diagnosed with cancer in 2015. After a mastectomy and chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she went into remission. But the cancer returned in 2019 and in 2020 she revealed it was now Stage 4.

In June, Doherty revealed that the cancer had spread to her brain and that she had already undergone surgery to remove a brain tumor. She said her battle with the disease has led her to “look for the bigger purpose in life.”

“I know it sounds cheesy and crazy, but you’re just more aware of everything, and you feel so blessed,” Doherty said of having terminal cancer. “We’re the people who want to work the most, because we’re just so grateful for every second, every hour, every day we get to be here.”

She said she’s trying to get into new clinical trials, but “my greatest memory is yet to come.”

Doherty also starred “Charmed,” played of the Heathers in the 1989 cult comedy of the same name and appeared in Kevin Smith’s 1995 comedy “Mallrats.”

The post Shannen Doherty Launches Podcast as Cancer Spreads to Her Bones: ‘I’m Not Done With Living’ appeared first on TheWrap.