Shia LaBeouf contemplated suicide before converting to Catholicism

Shia LaBeouf contemplated suicide before converting to Catholicism

Shia LaBeouf has revealed that he contemplated suicide before converting to Catholicism after playing the lead role of a Saint in his new film.

The 36-year-old Transformers actor appeared in a video interview on Word on Fire, a Catholic media organisation, on Thursday.

LaBeouf shared that he considered suicide when his career hit an ultimate low point after multiple legal troubles, including his ex-girlfriend British singer-songwriter FKA Twigs suing him for sexual battery, assault, and infliction of emotional distress in December 2020.

FKA Twigs sued Shia LaBeouf for sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress (AP)
FKA Twigs sued Shia LaBeouf for sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress (AP)

The actor reflected back: “At this point, I’m nuclear. Nobody wants to talk to me, including my mother.

“My manager’s not calling. The agent’s not calling. I’m not connected to the business anymore.”

He continued: “I had a gun on the table. I was outta here. I didn’t want to be alive anymore when all this happened.

“Shame like I had never experienced before – the kind of shame that you forget how to breathe. You don’t know where to go. You can’t go outside and get like a taco. You don’t want to go anywhere.”

This follows the actor being fired from Olivia Wilde’s upcoming film Don’t Worry Darling, with Harry Styles having assumed his role.

But with what the Even Stevens actor described as a “deep desire to hold on”, he was able to look towards a different cause.

LaBeouf began studying Catholicism for his lead role as Saint Padre Pio in Abel Ferrara’s film of the same name.

The 36-year-old spent time living in a monastery with Franciscan Capuchin friars, saying that his research gave him “hope” to get back on the right path and save his career.

Shia LaBeouf's controversial moments

Brown paper bag:
Brown paper bag:
Private parts: It was reported that to secure his role in the film, LaBeouf took pictures of his private parts and filmed himself in a passionate embrace with his girlfriend which he then sent to Lars von Trier. True or not, he secured the role. (Artificial Eye)
Private parts: It was reported that to secure his role in the film, LaBeouf took pictures of his private parts and filmed himself in a passionate embrace with his girlfriend which he then sent to Lars von Trier. True or not, he secured the role. (Artificial Eye)
Bad smell:
Bad smell:
Just keep running:
Just keep running:

He said: “I know now that God was using my ego to draw me to Him. Drawing me away from worldly desires.

“It was all happening simultaneously. But there would have been no impetus for me to get in my car, drive up [to the monastery)] if I didn’t think, ‘Oh, I’m gonna save my career.’”

Saint Padre Pio will play at the Venice Film Festival next week.