Shiok Kitchen Catering suspended after gastroenteritis outbreak which affected 95 individuals

Food catering company must thoroughly clean and sanitise its premises, while employees have to retake food safety courses

Shiok Kitchen Catering suspended following a gastroenteritis outbreak that affected 95 individuals
Shiok Kitchen Catering suspended following a gastroenteritis outbreak that affected 95 individuals. (PHOTO: Facebook/

SINGAPORE — Food catering company Shiok Kitchen Catering has been suspended following a gastroenteritis outbreak affected 95 people.

The outbreak occurred among individuals who consumed food prepared by the company on 7 and 8 December, according to the Ministry of Health and the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) on Thursday (14 December).

None of those affected individuals required hospitalisation after seeking medical attention. According to the authorities, investigations into the incident are underway.

Stringent measures imposed after outbreak

As a result of the outbreak, SFA has suspended Shiok Kitchen Catering until further notice. The company - which is located at 1 Senoko Avenue - has been instructed to thoroughly clean and sanitise its premises, including all equipment and utensils.

Furthermore, all perishable food items on its premises are to be disposed of. Employees who had been handling food must retake and pass the Food Safety Course Level 1 and test negative for food-borne pathogens, before they are allowed to resume work.

The food hygiene officer at the premises must also pass the Food Safety Course Level 3 before returning to work.

Report poor hygiene practices in food outlets

SFA emphasised the importance of food operators adhering to proper food and personal hygiene practices and warned that strict actions would be taken against any establishments violating the Environmental Public Health Act.

The public is advised against patronising outlets with poor hygiene practices and encouraged to report such instances to SFA via an online feedback form.

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