Sidney Powell Pleads Not Guilty In Georgia Election Case

Sidney Powell, a former lawyer for former President Donald Trump, on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to all charges she faces for her alleged involvement in a scheme to undo Joe Biden’s 2020 election win in Georgia, according to a court filing cited in multiplenews reports.

Powell said she intends to waive her formal arraignment next week.

Defendants Ray Smith, another lawyer, and Trevian Kutti ― a former publicist for Ye, the rapper previously known as Kanye West ― have also entered “not guilty” pleas and filed arraignment waivers.

All 19 people charged in the case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, including Trump, surrendered to Georgia authorities last week.

Trump is set to be arraigned on Sept. 6.

Powell faces seven charges, including violation of Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, conspiracy to commit election fraud and conspiracy to defraud the state.

Powell and co-defendant and fellow lawyer Kenneth Chesebro have both requested a speedy trial in the case. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee set Chesebro’s trial date as Oct. 23, but has not yet ruled on Powell’s request.

Willis has asked that all speedy trials for defendants who request them should happen at the same time.

“All Defendants should be tried together, but at an absolute minimum, the Court should set Defendant Powell’s trial and that of any other defendant who may file a speedy trial demand on the same date as Defendant Chesebro’s,” Willis wrote in a court filing, according to CNBC.
