Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Braven Yeo: 'Everyone has their own unique appeal, and I do not need to compare myself to others'

Be inspired by the success stories of fitness influencers, celebrities, models, trainers and everyday movers in Singapore

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Braven Yeo is an actor/influencer.
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Braven Yeo is an actor/influencer. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

Life goes beyond the digits on the scale and your body is capable of so much more! Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is dedicated to inspirational men and women in Singapore leading healthy and active lifestyles. Have someone to recommend? Hit Cheryl up on Instagram or Facebook!

Name: Braven Yeo (@bravenyeo)

Age: 27

Occupation: Actor/Influencer

Food: I have a flexible diet, but I prioritise consuming more protein generally. The amount of carbs and calories I consume would depend on whether I am bulking or cutting.

Exercise: I have a four-day workout split for the gym:

  1. Chest Triceps

  2. Back Biceps

  3. Shoulders Traps

  4. Legs

Braven Yeo did rugby, powerlifting and boxing in his younger days.
Braven Yeo did rugby, powerlifting and boxing in his younger days. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

Q: What was your fitness journey like growing up?

A: I played rugby when I was in junior college and also did some powerlifting. Then in university, I boxed recreationally.

Right now as a working adult, my priorities have shifted a bit. I no longer have as much time to dedicate to sports and hobbies, so currently I just focus on staying fit by hitting the gym.

When did you first start going to the gym?

I was severely underweight in secondary school and wanted to change that. I started doing some home workouts back in Secondary 1, then I started going to the gym in Secondary 3.

It was a bit intimidating at the start but I always went with my friends so it wasn’t that bad. I relied on YouTube tutorials for my exercises and workout regime.

How did you start creating content?

I started creating content during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown because I was bored. To my surprise, people actually enjoy my content and I started gaining some social media traction from there.

Braven spent six years in our local film industry behind the camera.
Braven spent six years in our local film industry behind the camera. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

Then how did you become an actor?

Prior to being a content creator and actor, I actually spent six years in our local film industry behind the camera and I also did have a tiny bit of acting from occasional freelance acting gigs.

After becoming a content creator, I started to get acting opportunities and it felt like the perfect timing for me to venture more seriously into acting.

Do you face any form of pressure to look a certain way because you're in the entertainment industry?

I think this is subjective. Being in the media industry, there is definitely pressure to look presentable because after all, we are constantly in front of the camera.

However, I do not see this as a bad thing. I do like taking care of myself and my appearance so to me, this is just additional motivation to take good care of myself.

When did you feel the least confident about yourself?

The media industry is full of attractive and good-looking people. When I first joined the media industry it was definitely a bit intimidating to be in a room full of so many people that look good and dress well.

But this was something that I quickly got used to, and I try to remind myself that everyone has their own unique appeal, and I do not need to compare myself to others.

Braven feels that while there is pressure to look good in the media industry, it is additional motivation to take good care of himself.
Braven feels that while there is pressure to look good in the media industry, it is additional motivation to take good care of himself. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

When you were younger, did you experience any incidents that made you feel insecure about yourself?

Though it wasn’t that serious, when I was younger some of my peers did poke fun at how skinny I was or my crooked teeth. But I got braces for my teeth and bulked up quite a bit so I guess the problem is solved.

Did you ever struggle with your body?

Yes 100 per cent. I have a very high metabolism naturally, so when I was younger it was really a big struggle for me to put on weight. I had to consume really, really high amounts of calories daily to bulk up.

Are you satisfied with your body now?

Yes and no. I am happy with my body now and all the hours in the gym that I have put in. But I definitely still think that there is room for improvement and will continue to work harder.

How do you deal with comments on social media?

Being in this line, I definitely do receive a lot of comments daily on social media, and they are mostly very positive.

It’s hard for me to share any negative comments because I simply do not remember them or pay any attention to them. People rarely comment negative things as well.

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Braven Yeo.
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Braven Yeo. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)