Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Daniel Ang: 'People's opinions about my body shouldn't define my self-worth'

Be inspired by the success stories of fitness influencers, celebrities, models and trainers in Singapore

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Daniel Ang is a content creator and actor.
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Daniel Ang is a content creator and actor. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

Life goes beyond the digits on the scale and your body is capable of so much more! Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is dedicated to inspirational men and women in Singapore leading healthy and active lifestyles. Have someone to recommend? Hit Cheryl up on Instagram or Facebook!

Name: Daniel Ang (@iamdanielang)

Age: 31

Height: 1.60m

Weight: 61kg

Occupation: Content creator, actor

Status: Single

Food: I enjoy all kinds of food honestly, especially cakes. I don't follow a diet, but I only take carbs in the morning.

Exercise: I try as much as I can to go to the gym five times a week, and I also run about 5 to 7km when I'm there.

Q: Were you in sports when you were younger?

A: When I was younger, I had a passion for sports and fitness. I was particularly interested in track and field, and I had a natural talent for sprinting.

However, at one point, I experienced some stereotyping (because I was bigger in size) and was encouraged to try shot put instead. While it was a different path than I initially envisioned, it taught me valuable lessons about determination and not letting stereotypes define my capabilities.

Daniel was enthusiastic in track and field, especially sprinting, in his younger days.
Daniel was enthusiastic in track and field, especially sprinting, in his younger days. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

As you got older, when did you start taking fitness more seriously?

I only began taking fitness seriously as an adult when I encountered a moment that served as a wake-up call. I remember not being able to fit into a pair of pants for one of the Channel 5 shows, and that was the point where I told myself I needed to lose the weight.

That experience motivated me to prioritise my health and fitness, ultimately leading me to embark on a dedicated fitness journey to achieve my goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Being in the entertainment industry, is there any pressure to look good?

The entertainment industry often places a significant emphasis on appearance and maintaining a certain shape or size. When I first entered this scene, I experienced first-hand the pressure to look a certain way. I was even mocked by another influencer because of my weight and height, which was disheartening.

However, this experience taught me the importance of self-confidence and embracing my uniqueness, ultimately making me more resilient in the face of such pressures. It's crucial to remember that everyone's journey in the entertainment industry is unique, and self-acceptance is a powerful tool in navigating its challenges.

Have you faced any discrimination?

Yes, I have encountered discrimination within the entertainment industry due to not conforming to certain beauty standards. There have been instances where my appearance didn't align with the industry's expectations, which led to challenges and biases.

However, I firmly believe in promoting diversity and inclusivity in the industry, and these experiences have only motivated me to work towards positive change and push for a more accepting and inclusive environment for all.

Daniel says he has faced pressure to maintain his appearance amid the entertainment industry.
Daniel says he has faced pressure to maintain his appearance amid the entertainment industry. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

What are some of the challenges of being in the entertainment industry?

Being in the entertainment industry comes with various challenges, but one of the most significant is the struggle to maintain authenticity and uphold my beliefs in a sometimes superficial environment.

Overcoming these challenges involves a relentless commitment to staying true to myself and fighting for what I believe in, even when it isn't easy. It's about continually advocating for positive change and working with like-minded individuals to create a more inclusive and accepting industry, where authenticity and principles are valued.

When you were younger, did you experience any incidents that made you feel insecure about yourself?

When I was younger, I was fortunate to grow up in an environment where judgment was minimal and the primary focus was on education and achieving personal goals. I didn't experience significant incidents that made me feel insecure about myself during that time.

My determination to secure a main character role in my drama club and excel in academics instilled a strong work ethic and drive within me. It taught me the value of hard work and dedication, which have continued to shape my perspective on life and success as I've grown older.

When did you feel the least confident about yourself?

I experienced a significant dip in confidence when I entered national service (NS), where getting into shape was a crucial aspect of my vocation. Initially, I felt unprepared and lacked confidence in my physical abilities. However, I used this challenge as a catalyst for self-improvement.

I dedicated the two years of my NS to focus on working out and serving my nation. Through consistent effort, discipline, and the support of my peers, I gradually built my physical confidence and, in turn, enhanced my overall self-esteem. This experience taught me that, with determination and commitment, I could overcome self-doubt and achieve my goals.

Daniel overcomes the pressures of the entertainment industry by believing in himself and advocating for positive change.
Daniel overcomes the pressures of the entertainment industry by believing in himself and advocating for positive change. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)

Did you ever struggle with your body?

I have always had moments of struggling with my body, and these feelings persist even now, at times. It's not uncommon to have moments of self-doubt or insecurity.

However, I've learnt the importance of living in the moment and prioritising my health over unrealistic body standards. I remind myself that being healthy and happy in the present is more valuable than constantly chasing an idealised body image. This mindset shift has been a source of empowerment and self-acceptance in my journey.

Are you satisfied with your body now?

I am content with my body now because I've come to embrace it as it is, with all its uniqueness and imperfections. Instead of fixating on unattainable standards, I've learned to focus on being healthy and feeling good in my own skin.

This shift in perspective has allowed me to find satisfaction and contentment in the present moment, recognising that true beauty and confidence come from self-acceptance and self-care.

Do you get any comments about your body?

I'm fortunate not to receive many comments about my body at the moment. However, even if I were to encounter such comments, I would simply brush them off and prioritise living in the moment.

Ultimately, I've come to understand that people's opinions about my body shouldn't define my self-worth. What truly matters is how I feel about myself and how I choose to live my life, as those are the things that truly matter and contribute to my overall well-being.

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Daniel Ang.
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Daniel Ang. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay)