Singapore to increase toll charges at Causeway from October 1 – Bernama

Pelaksanaan RTS Link bergantung hasil hasil kajian kesesakan Tambak Johor

In view of Malaysia’s recent revision in toll charges at the Causeway, Singapore’s toll charges from October 1, for all vehicles (except motorcycles) leaving the republic through the Causeway, will be increased to match the new Malaysian toll rates.

In a statement today, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said Singapore had a long-standing policy of matching its toll charges at the Causeway and Second Link to those set by Malaysia.

It said a new matching Causeway toll will also be implemented for all vehicles (except motorcycles) entering Singapore.

LTA said there were no changes to the toll charges at the Second Link.

The current toll for cars leaving Singapore will rise to S$3.80 (RM9.62) from S$1.20 while vans and light goods vehicles will see an increase to S$5.80 from S$1.90.

Taxis and buses will increase to S$1.90 and S$3.10 from S$0.60 and S$1, respectively.

For vehicles entering Singapore, LTA will charge $2.70 for cars, $4 (vans/light goods vehicles), $5.30 (heavy vehicles), $1.40 (taxis) and $2.20 (buses).

For foreign-registered cars, LTA said Singapore’s Causeway entry toll (i.e. entering Singapore from Johor) will be recorded in its toll system and displayed to motorists upon entry into Singapore.

Payment will be deducted only upon leaving Singapore (whether through the Causeway or Second Link), together with the exit toll, Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) fee and Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) charges (if any).

This will be the same as the existing practice for the Second Link entry toll.

For all other vehicles that do not pay VEP fees, i.e. all Singapore-registered vehicles and foreign-registered goods vehicles, buses and taxis, they will pay their Causeway entry toll upon entry into Singapore and their exit toll upon leaving Singapore.

This will again be the same as the existing practice for the Second Link tolls.

LTA said Singapore would follow suit, should Malaysia reduce or do away with the toll charges. – Bernama, September 12, 2014.