Singapore woman dies after falling off cliff in Australia‘s Blue Mountains


Cheng Shi Min (Photo: Facebook)

A Sydney-based teaching student from Singapore died on Wednesday (11 May) after she slipped and fell off a cliff a day earlier while hiking in the Blue Mountains in Australia.

According to Australian media reports, Cheng Shi Min had lost her footing while she was peering over the top of a waterfall.

Her boyfriend, Henry Yendle, told the Australian media that he and Cheng’s father rushed down as quickly as they could and found her lying face-down in the water.

“First I sort of just heard a scream and then a loud bang,” Yendle told the Sydney Morning Herald. He also said they tried for 20 minutes to pull her out of the freezing water.

Cheng, Yendle and Cheng’s father had been hiking the trail in the Blue Mountains National Park when the accident happened around 1.30pm, Sydney local time.

The Australian Associated Press reported that it took an hour for paramedics to arrive on foot and several extra hours to carry her out on a stretcher, as strong winds had prevented a helicopter evacuation.

According to a series of photographs from Cheng’s Facebook page, she had previously visited the area alone in January 2015.

A police report is being prepared for the coroner.