Singaporean teen found guilty of offending Christians

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A Singapore court on Tuesday found a teenager guilty of offending Christians and spreading an obscene image in an online post that also carried comments celebrating the death of former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew. However the prosecution dropped a harassment charge against Amos Yee, 16, for his comments about Lee, the widely respected founder of modern Singapore who died in March. The prosecution also said neither a fine nor prison term would be suitable, partly because of Yee's age. Yee faces up to three years in jail on the charge of wounding religious or racial feelings of others. He has been held on remand since bail was set on April 30 at S$30,000 ($22,455). It was not immediately clear when sentence would be passed. The case has reignited concerns about censorship and social controls in the Asian financial hub and has drawn criticism from human rights activists. Yee was arrested and charged in March with harassment, obscenity and insulting a religious group for the comments he made on social media. He pleaded not guilty to the last two charges. (Reporting by Rujun Shen and Lee Rou Urn; Writing by Saeed Azhar; Editing by Nick Macfie)