Sir Brian May sends message to four-year-old cancer patient after seeing his 'good air guitar moves'

A boy with a terminal brain tumour who was filmed playing air guitar to Bohemian Rhapsody on his way to hospital was left "spellbound" by a message from Queen guitarist Sir Brian May.

Four-year-old Billy Thompson was diagnosed with an inoperable cancer called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) in October.

He was sent a video by Sir Brian congratulating him on his bravery after his mother Ellie Thompson posted a video online of him performing air guitar in his car seat on his way to radiotherapy.

Mrs Thompson said she was "blown away" after her son received messages of support from both Sir Brian and England rugby legend Jonny Wilkinson earlier this week.

"As a lifelong Queen fan it was amazing to receive a video message from Sir Brian May - Billy was equally spellbound, he couldn't believe it."

After she uploaded the video of Billy's Bohemian Rhapsody rendition, a work contact sent it to Universal in hope of getting a message back.

In a video response, Sir Brian told Billy: "Hello Billy, this is Brian May, I'm the guitar player in Queen.

"You were just listening to some Queen music and I saw you rocking out.

"Looks like you've got some good air guitar moves going for you there, and I know you're going through some difficult stuff, but you've been incredibly brave, and music is the big help isn't it?

"Lots of love and a merry Christmas, give my love to your parents too."

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DIPG, a grade four brain tumour found in children, has an average survival rate of less than a year, according to the Brain Tumour Charity.

More than £120,000 has been raised of a £170,000 target via an online fundraiser for Billy to go towards his care, special equipment and "the stuff that will make him smile". Any money left over will go towards helping fund research into DIPG.

His parents also hope he will be accepted on to a clinical trial at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Mrs Thompson said Billy's father Jamie Thompson, a senior project manager and rugby coach, was particularly happy when former England fly-half Wilkinson reached out via another video to share his support too.

In a selfie video Wilkinson said: "I am absolutely supporting Billy the brave - a wonderful four year old boy facing DIPG cancer at the moment, a cancer with no cure.

"But, he and his wonderful family are looking to alter that, raising incredibly important funds for every family that may come across this in the future - it's just such an important, worthwhile cause.

"I just couldn't have any more respect for you or begin to understand what it must be like, but you are all inspiring, and I'd encourage anyone who possibly can to support this."

Mrs Thompson added: "As big rugby fans, Jonny Wilkinson is a family hero and he's also a supporter of the Brain Tumour Charity, so it's been fantastic to have him stand up for Billy and join the fight.

"A massive thank you from the bottom of our hearts to Sir Brian May for making Billy smile, and an equally huge thank you to Jonny Wilkinson for recording a video we could use to help us raise awareness of Billy's battle."