Soccer: Man stabbed before Atletico Madrid game - emergency services

MADRID (Reuters) - A 22-year-old man was rushed to hospital in a serious condition after being stabbed near Atletico Madrid's Wanda Metropolitano stadium before a King's Cup game between Atletico and Sevilla on Wednesday, emergency services said.

Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported that the male was wearing a shirt saying "Frente Atletico", the Madrid side's notorious "ultra" group of supporters, and was stabbed during a fight outside the Las Musas metro station.

"Civil Protection has stabilised and taken a 22-year-old male in a serious condition to the La Paz hospital after he sustained three stabbed wounds, in the thigh, arm and back," Madrid's emergency services said on Twitter.

"The events occurred on Avenida de Niza. The male was attended to immediately by Civil Protection officers present in the vicinity of the Wanda Metropolitano."

(Reporting by Richard Martin, editing by Ed Osmond)