'Sociopathic Criminal': George Conway Says Tape Is Newest Nail In Trump's Coffin

Conservative attorney George Conway suggests a newly released audio recording of Donald Trump is a smoking gun in the Justice Department’s classified documents case against the former president.

“The special counsel already had Trump dead to rights because we knew this tape existed in some form,” Conway told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday. “But to actually hear a former president of the United States committing a felony ― probably multiple felonies ― on audio tape while laughing about it ... I think it’s just stunning.”

CNN on Monday aired audio of Trump claiming after he left the White House that he possessed classified documents about potential attacks on Iran. He also admitted that he had not declassified them before leaving office, undermining his defense that everything he took to Mar-a-Lago was automatically declassified when he removed it from the White House.

“See, as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says in the clip, recorded during a July 2021 meeting at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

Conway slammed Trump for being so cavalier about top-secret information that could “lead to the deaths of American servicemen” if it fell into the wrong hands.

“This man has no respect for rules. No respect for the lives of other human beings. No respect for the country. No respect for the Constitution. No respect for his duties. He is a sociopathic criminal. And this is just another nail in the coffin,” said Conway,

The audio is reportedly a key piece of evidence in Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith’s case, in which Trump was indicted on 37 criminal counts earlier this month. The former president is accused of repeatedly risking national security and refusing to return boxes of sensitive documents stashed at his his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, in defiance of a government subpoena.
