Somalia's Puntland region asks UAE to stay as Gulf split deepens

A soldier from Somalia's Puntland keeps guard on high grounds at the Galgala hills, during preparations for an offense against al Shabaab militants, January 8, 2015. REUTERS/Abdiqani Hassan/Files

By Abdiqani Hassan

BOSASO, Somalia (Reuters) - Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region urged the United Arab Emirates not to close its security operations in the country after a dispute with the central government, saying the Gulf power was a key ally in the fight against Islamist militants.

The dispute goes to the heart of an increasingly troubled relationship between Gulf states - divided by their own disputes - and fractured Somalia, whose coastline sits close to key shipping routes and across the water from Yemen.

Analysts have said the complex standoff risks exacerbating an already explosive security situation on both sides of the Gulf of Aden, where militant groups launch regular attacks.

The central Somali government said on Wednesday it was taking over a military training programme run by the UAE.

Days later the UAE announced it was pulling out, accusing Mogadishu of seizing millions of dollars from a plane, money it said was meant to pay soldiers.

"We ask our UAE friends, not only to stay, but to redouble their efforts in helping Somalia stand on its feet," said the office of the president of Puntland, a territory that sits on the tip of the Horn of Africa looking out over the Gulf of Aden.

Ending UAE support, "will only help our enemy, particularly Al Shabaab and ISIS (Islamic State)," it added late on Monday.


The UAE is one of a number of Gulf powers that have opened bases along the coast of the Horn of Africa and promised investment and donations as they compete for influence in the insecure but strategically important region.

That competition has been exacerbated by a diplomatic rift between Qatar and a bloc including the UAE. In turn, those splits have worsened divisions in Somalia.

Puntland, which has said it wants independence, has sought to woo the UAE which runs an anti-piracy training centre there and is developing the main port. The central government in Mogadishu last year criticised Puntland for taking sides in the Gulf dispute. Qatar's ally Turkey is one of Somalia's biggest investors.

One Somali government official said last week Mogadishu had decided to take over the UAE operation because the Gulf state's contract to run it had expired. Another official said the government was investigating the money taken from the plane.

The competition among Gulf states in Somalia has fuelled accusations of foreign interference and resentment in many corners of Somali society.

The loss of the UAE programme could have a destabilising effect, said one security analyst, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"The value of the UAE trained forces was two-fold - they were relatively well trained but, most importantly, they were paid on time," unlike other parts of the security forces, the analyst told Reuters.

Somalia has been mired in conflict since 1991.

(Reporting by Abdiqani Hassan; Writing by Omar Mohammed; Editing by Maggie Fick and Andrew Heavens)