Song lauding Britain's anti-EU party withdrawn after racism allegations

By Andrew Osborn LONDON (Reuters) - The author of a song intended to boost the anti-EU UK Independence Party before British elections next year said on Wednesday he was withdrawing the track from sale after racism allegations. Prime Minister David Cameron once derided UKIP as "closet racists", a charge the party strongly denies. UKIP wants to sharply curb immigration and the song, "UKIP Calypso, spoke of "illegal immigrants" in every town, while praising Nigel Farage, the party's leader. Mike Read, a BBC radio presenter who wrote the track, performed it with a mock Caribbean accent. Farage had urged supporters to buy the song to propel it to the top spot in the British music charts. But on Wednesday, after a backlash on social media, Read said he had asked his record company to pull it from sale immediately. "I'm so sorry that the song unintentionally caused offence. That was never my intention and I apologise unreservedly if anyone has taken offence," said Read, who said he had not intended the song to be racist and was not racist himself. UKIP, which wants Britain to leave the European Union, won European elections in Britain in May, has poached two lawmakers from Cameron's Conservatives, and has boosted its support in opinion polls to record levels before a national election in May. However, the track generated uncomfortable publicity for it ahead of a Nov. 20 by-election for a parliamentary seat in southern England which it is hoping to win. UKIP blamed elements of the media for what it called the "harsh" way Read and his song had been treated. "We thought it was just a bit of fun, as did thousands of people, evidenced by how well it has been selling," a UKIP spokeswoman said. "Were it not for the synthetic outrage, the song would have generated a lot of money for charity, as profits were to be split with the Red Cross for their Ebola Outreach programme. It's a pity those so concerned with political correctness have trodden all over this." The party, which has expelled members in the past for making racist statements, is increasingly viewed as mainstream after it won its first elected seat in parliament this month. But some political rivals, such as Labour lawmaker Chuka Umunna, have raised concerns about its views and said the withdrawn song was widely viewed as racist. UKIP's alliance in the European Parliament this week with a Polish libertarian party whose leader has said he doubts that Hitler knew of the Holocaust has also drawn criticism. "What really worries me about this is that there is not more of a row about these things that we see coming out of UKIP," Labour's Umunna told the LBC radio station on Wednesday. "They are now, arguably, one of the main parties in our country and I think a lot of this stuff is vile, it's absolutely vile and it is not in keeping with our British values." (Editing by Ruth Pitchford)