Pair dance outside court before they're convicted of attack on police officer

Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith twirled around each other on tip-toes as they waited to be convicted at Chester Magistrates’ Court.

Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith re dancing outside court before being convicted of a violent attack on a policeman. (Cavendish)
Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith were dancing outside court before being convicted of a violent attack on a policeman. (Cavendish)

A man and a woman charged with the assault of a police officer were caught dancing outside court shortly before they were convicted.

Mother-of-two Sophie Sutton, 32, and 33-year old Jonathan Meredith were seen twirling around each other on tip-toes as they waited outside Chester Magistrates’ Court.

The pair were due in court after a police officer was kicked in the back by Sutton as he tried to arrest Meredith for being aggressive with door staff outside a bar in Northwich, Cheshire, on 17 March.

Inside court, just minutes after the impromptu dance routine, Meredith pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest.

Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith Danced together just minutes before they were convicted. (Cavendish)
Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith Danced together just minutes before they were convicted. (Cavendish)

Sutton admitted assaulting an emergency worker and blamed her anxiety and depression for her violent conduct.

The pair had 52 previous offences between them on their criminal records.

Meredith, from Rudheath, Northwich, has 22 offences on his record, including battery and being in possession of cannabis.

Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith were arrested after being aggressive to door staff. (Cavendish)
Sophie Sutton and Jonathan Meredith were arrested after being aggressive to door staff. (Cavendish)

Sutton, from Hartford, Northwich, has 30 previous offences and was last in court in 2022 for being drunk and disorderly.

Solicitor John Farnham, representing Sutton, said she “has a number of mental health issues” and has received counselling for post traumatic stress disorder.

He added: “[Sutton] suffers from anxiety and depression, and she is medicated for that…

Jonathan Meredith pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest. (Cavendish)
Jonathan Meredith pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest. (Cavendish)

“There is a drink issue. When there is a crisis, she does tend to turn to alcohol."

Kathryn Higham, representing Meredith, said he had been grieving over the death of his mother at the time of the assault and was “not in the right frame of mind”.

Sentencing will take place on 24 April after probation reports on Meredith and Sutton take place.

Meredith was granted unconditional bail, while Sutton was bailed on the condition she is not found drunk and disorderly in a public place.