Spain says no deal with Italy on migrants, offers its ports

MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government denied on Monday it had agreed with Italy to disembark the 107 migrants stranded in the Mediterranean at a Spanish port in Mallorca, while reiterating its readiness to receive the migrants there.

Spanish rescue ship Open Arms said in a statement earlier the two countries appeared to have struck a deal for the Mallorca disembarking, which would add another three days to what has been a trying situation.

"The government denies the existence of any alleged deal with Italy," it said in a statement.

"The only correct information is that the Spanish government had offered to Open Arms to head for the nearest Spanish port and that the Italian government is infringing the law by preventing the migrants from disembarking in Lampedusa."

(Reporting by Ingrid Melander, Belen Carreno, writing by Andrei Khalip)