Spain's Podemos rejects Socialist plan to govern solo

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's Unidas Podemos said on Thursday its supporters had voted to only allow the investiture of Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez as premier if their far-left party is made part of his future cabinet, increasing the risk of a repeat election.

That option was backed by 70% of the party's supporters that participated in an internal vote, Podemos said.

Sanchez - who won the most votes in a parliamentary election in April but not a majority - has so far rejected Podemos' demand of a full-fledged coalition government in exchange for their support in the confirmation vote in parliament next week. [L8N24J294]

The acting premier insisted on Thursday that he does not want Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias in his government but said he was open to other Podemos members with specific expertise. [L8N24J45W]

Sanchez needs an absolute majority in the first parliamentary vote on Tuesday or, failing that, a simple majority in a second vote next Thursday, which he will struggle to obtain if Podemos rejects his bid.

(Reporting by Paul Day, editing by Andrei Khalip and Ingrid Melander)