Spain's Rajoy wins confidence vote to be prime minister

Spain's acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy arrives during the investiture debate at Parliament in Madrid, Spain, October 27, 2016. REUTERS/Andrea Comas

MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish conservative leader Mariano Rajoy won a parliamentary vote to be prime minister on Saturday, ending 10 months of political gridlock that had left the country without a fully-functioning government. Rajoy's centre-right People's Party is set to form a minority government, after gaining support from the smaller Ciudadanos ("Citizens") party and the tacit backing of many Socialist lawmakers who abstained in the confidence vote. Rajoy needed to win a simply majority in parliament to cement his return to power. He got 170 "yes" votes while 111 lawmakers voted against him and 68 legislators abstained. (Reporting by Sarah White; Editing by Adrian Croft)