Spanish Royal Family Zodiac Signs (and Why Leonor Will Make an Amazing Queen)

Whether you’re a die-hard astrology enthusiast or a personality test aficionado, the one thing that everyone can agree on is that it’s incredibly fun to learn about other people’s astrological signs, Enneagram numbers, Myers-Briggs, and the like. While it’s never completely accurate, nor would we say it speaks to the whole person, it can often be an insightful glimpse into who someone is at this point in time. We’ve already profiled the British royal family, so naturally we turned our astrological charts to their neighbors next. Here are the Spanish royal family zodiac signs, from the current sovereign, King Felipe IV to the heir to the throne, Leonor, Princess of Asturias.

Everything We Know About the Spanish Royal Family

King Felipe VI

Toni Galan/Getty Images

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

King Felipe IV, the current monarch of Spain, is an Aquarius. This zodiac is known for being innovative, progressive and what some describe as “shamelessly revolutionary.” It’s not just for show, however. An Aquarius is described as the “most humanitarian astrological sign,” so their forward-thinking tactics are well put to use for the public good. And considering the king’s actions, It makes sense. Since taking the throne, King Felipe has been reforming the monarchy, including recognizing LGBTQ organizations, making the Crown more financially transparent and removing the mandate that those taking an oath of office do so on a Bible.

Queen Letizia

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Zodiac sign: Virgo

Queen Leitizia is a Virgo, and her zodiac is characterized as a logical, practical, meticulous, supportive problem-solver. These are all excellent qualities to have as a queen consort supporting the king in his duties.

“While Virgos value their alone time, they feel like they have a duty to the collective. They feel productive and useful when they are volunteering or doing civic work,” writes Annabel Gat for Vice.

Virgos are ruled by Mercury, aka the planet of communication—uncanny, as before marrying into the Spanish royal family, Queen Letizia was a journalist working at various outlets, including CNN.

Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

The heir to the throne, Leonor, Princess of Asturias, is a Scorpio. Scorpios are known for being intuitive individuals who are always one step ahead. They also possess the qualities of empathy, fearlessness, boldness, and loyalty. Sounds like Leonor has the makings of a future queen.

Infanta Sofía of Spain

Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

Zodiac sign: Taurus

The younger daughter of King Felipe and Queen Letizia is a Taurus. Personified by the bull, Tauruses are known to be hard workers, ambitious, focused and resilient. Another quality is steadfast loyalty paired with dependability—we’re sure Infanta Sofia will do an excellent job supporting her sister in her royal responsibilities.

King Juan Carlos I

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Zodiac sign: Capricorn

King Juan Carlos I, Felipe’s father, is a Capricorn. Known for being resilient and determined, the flip side is that Capricorns also have an untamed rebellious side. That might sound off-kilter for a sovereign, but the former king of Spain has found himself embroiled in controversy and scandal the last couple years. Will there be a redemptive arc? We can’t say, but we do know that Capricorns have no shortage of excellent qualities (like patience, perseverance, and incredible work ethic) so we wouldn’t take the possibility off the table.

Queen Sofía

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Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Like her granddaughter, Leonor, Queen Sofia is a Scorpio. We imagine the traits of fearlessness and boldness have served her well. Formerly Sophia of Greece and Denmark, as a child, her family was exiled from Greece during World War II. Later her brother, King Constantine II, was deposed during the Greek military coup of 1967. It takes gumption to weather crises like that, and Queen Sofia seems to have held up well.

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