Work to start on £10.3m makeover of town centre

Work is set to begin on a £10.3m scheme to transform Holmfirth town centre.

Kirklees Council said initial improvements would start at Huddersfield Road car park on 1 July.

The market hall and footbridge are due to be replaced with a "unique community events space", designed to draw in visitors throughout the year.

David Shepherd, the council's strategic director for growth and regeneration, said the plan would "modernise" the area while "embracing" the town’s "world-famous heritage".

"Once complete, the town centre will be much more accessible and enjoyable for all, whilst we continue to help local businesses thrive and boost the local economy," he added.

Mr Shepherd said the changes would also help to improve congestion and journey times.

The plans include new car parking facilities and electric vehicle points, wider footpaths and better drainage.

Pavements will be resurfaced, street lighting improved and signals added to the pedestrian crossing in Victoria Street.

Huddersfield Road car park will be closed throughout the construction work.

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