California Residents Disgusted by How 1,000 College Students Left This Campsite

From Cosmopolitan

The University of Oregon issued a statement saying they were "actively investigating" why California's Lake Shasta was left a "disgrace" after 1,000 sorority and fraternity members partied there last weekend. According to ABC News, it took 25 workers five hours to clean up the half-mile stretch of land the students stayed on.

According to, this is an annual trip for the college students and one that is unsanctioned by the school. "What was different about this one," spokeswoman for the Shasta-Trinity National Forest Phyllis Swanson said, "is they left behind an incredible amount of trash." Swanson also noted its illegal to abandon property or litter in a national forest like this one.

Photos posted on Facebook by California residents express disgust at what was left behind on Slaughterhouse Island. Garbage, mountains of alcohol, stray, destroyed furniture, and a cooler that reads "DO YOU WANNA DO SOME BLOW MAN?" are just part of the damage.

University spokesman Tobin Klinger told ABC they are aware the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity was involved and part of the investigation is figuring out who else participated: "You're going to have a variety of people, not exclusively one fraternity or sorority, not exclusively one university, not exclusively Greek, non-Greek." Vice president of student life Robin Holmes said Lambda Chi Alpha nationals suspended the school's chapter from all activities during the investigation.

The most recent post on the school's Greek life Facebook page is an apology from the men of Lambda Chi, saying they've reached out to the United States Forest Service to arrange to help them clean up the area and that this recent behavior does not "reflect the values of our community here at OU."

See some photos posted of the incident below.

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