Super Bomb Smash review: the ultimate thumb workout

Simplicity can be a beautiful thing, and Ho Chi Minh-based developers have mastered the art of simplicity with its latest offering, Super Bomb Smash, which is whack-a-mole for Android users, with bombs instead of moles. Bombs are way better than moles anyway!

super smash bomb
super smash bomb

There are two types of bombs in Super Bomb Smash. Standard bombs give you one point, and bombs that need to be hit twice give you three points. For some reason the bombs that need to be hit twice are wearing sunglasses. Well, why not, right?

You also have spiky red finger traps and cunning black sharks, tapping these results in instant game over. The sharks are especially maddening because they are colored exactly the same as the bombs. Those crafty sharky bastards ended my high score streak!


Thanks asshole.

Super Smash Bomb is absolutely relentless. It speeds up rapidly and you have only a few seconds to defuse the bombs. They come thick and they come fast so complete focus is required, as well as a solid mind-to-thumb connection.

Super Smash Bomb looks great, with lots of big chunky animations and solid colors. It’s a game that invites you in with cuteness and then ravages you with insane difficulty and easy repetition. The formula is similar to a certain bird, whose name need not be mentioned.

No chance
No chance

Wait… this is super easy mode?

As well as looking good, Super Smash Bomb sounds good. The music is quick and cute, and blends into the game perfectly. There were times when I was smashing bombs that I had the strange feeling I was playing a rhythm game because the music connected so perfectly to the action. Of course, I wasn’t, but that’s testament to how well Spiritbomb has done Super Smash Bomb’s sound.

If all this doesn’t sound good enough there’s one other perk. No in-app purchases and no awful stamina system, just good, clean uninhibited fun!

(See: If you put a stamina system in your game, I hate you)

To sum up, you should definitely play Super Smash Bomb. This is screaming for Facebook score leaderboards, office competitions, and broken friendships, so if you have a competitive streak, get on board and give it a go. Even if you don’t have a competitive bone in your body, you could do a lot worse than making your next bus ride/waiting room visit/boring date better with a bit of bomb-smashing madness.

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