Survivors of New York stabbing rampage detail Courtney Gordon’s horrifying attack on family

The surviving victims of the horrific rampage in Queens that left four dead revealed the horrifying details of the murders and their own escape in an exclusive interview with the Daily News.

As Christine Watson lay in a hospital bed at NewYork-Presbyterian Queens on Tuesday, she recalled the chilling, final words she exchanged with her severely mentally ill nephew Courtney Gordon as he brandished a knife.

“I said, ‘You want to kill me? You’re killing your auntie,'” she told The News.

“He said, ‘You should have been dead a long time.’”

Gordon pounced, standing over Watson and stabbing her repeatedly as she struggled to get the knife.

“He thought he killed me so he just left,” Watson said.

Christine Watson and her daughter, teenager Ruthann Watson, survived the attack— Christine Watson because Gordon thought she was dead, Ruthann by leaping from a first-floor window. The attack claimed the lives of Ruthann Watson’s sister, brother-in-law, 11-year-old niece and 12-year-old nephew.

The terror erupted at the end of a calm night.

“They were telling me about their day,” Ruthann, 16, said of her niece and nephew. “I was in their room until 2 in the morning.”

When the younger kids went to sleep, Ruthann walked into the living room, where Gordon, 38, was hanging out on the couch and scrolling on his phone.

The teen went to sleep, but around 4 a.m., she was startled awake in the bedroom she shared with her mother.

“I heard my niece screaming,” Ruthann said. “Me and my mom got up at the same time. We went to go see what’s happening.”

The family had feared something terrible might happen as Gordon’s emotional state began to deteriorate on Thanksgiving, when he was told he would need to leave the home.

Christine Watson and her daughter peeked into the hallway to investigate the screams, where they found the teen’s brother-in-law, Rickmon Davis, leaning against the door with stab wounds before falling down.

“He was on the floor, though, and my cousin was extended over him,” Ruthann recounted.

She said she and her mother quickly retreated back into the bedroom and tried to pull the door shut, but Gordon spotted them and attempted to force it open as Davis lay trapped in the doorframe.

“I heard [Davis]. He was on the floor and I realized he was alive because he told me ‘You’re squeezing my head,’” Ruthann said.

Davis, mortally wounded, shifted his body. With no other choice, Ruthann and her mom were able to slam the door shut as Gordon continued his efforts to get into the room.

As Ruthann continued to pull the door shut, Christine Watson rushed to a nightstand to grab her phone and call 911.

“She was too shocked to call so we ended up switching,” the teen recalled. “She was holding the door shut so I got on the bed and was halfway out the window.”

At that moment, the unhinged attacker was able to get into the room.

“He came in and, like, I remember him standing there with the knife and my mom was like, ‘Courtney, stop.’ And that’s when I jumped out the window,” Ruthann said.

Thinking he’d slain his aunt, Gordon continued his rampage, killing Christine Watson’s daughter Suzette Taylor-Davis, 44, and her grandchildren Mikayla James and Rojaun Davis. Ruthann made a break for it and was able to dial 911 for help.

“I jumped over one fence but I didn’t feel like I was far enough,” she recounted. “I knocked on another door and nobody answered and I jumped over another fence.”

At that point, she spotted Gordon sitting in Davis’s car.

“I realized that Courtney was sitting in my brother-in-law’s car, like the lights on and everything,” said Ruthann. “I had to run past the car to get to the ambulance at the bottom of the hill.”

“I had to take the chance,” the brave teen added. “I told them that man in the car is the one who killed my family.”

Gordon calmly emerged from the car carrying luggage as police pulled up to the Far Rockaway home on Beach 22nd St. and began speaking with him.

Seconds later, Gordon pulled out a kitchen steak knife and stabbed both officers responding to the chaos.

NYPD veteran Edmond Decio, suffering from a stab wound, opened fire and fatally shot the attacker, police and sources said.

Gordon had set fire to the home, where Watson, Taylor-Davis, Davis, Mikayla and Rojaun lay suffering from their stab wounds. Only Watson survived the attack.

The family believes Gordon, whom Watson took in as he faced homelessness, spiraled out of control on Thanksgiving.

“The house didn’t feel comfortable with him being there,” said Ruthann. “[Rojaun] was scared to sleep with him up there.”

Before the murders, Ruthann noticed a kitchen knife had gone missing, which she suspected at the time Gordon had taken.

“We thought that he probably just took it so that he could feel protected,” said the teen. “He would say that he wouldn’t hurt his family, but sometimes he would say we are not his family.”
