Suspect in Louvre attack placed under formal investigation - source

PARIS (Reuters) - A man who attacked soldiers with machetes at the Louvre museum in Paris was placed under formal investigation on Friday, a judicial source said. Egyptian Abdullah Reda al-Hamahmy, 29, was shot and seriously wounded when he launched himself at a group of soldiers on Feb. 3, crying out "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) in what French President Francois Hollande described as a terrorist attack. He has told police that he identified with the beliefs of Islamic State but he had not carried out the attack on orders from the militant group, a judicial source told Reuters earlier on Wednesday. "The accused was put under formal investigation for alleged attempted murder of public servicemen... in connection with a terrorist venture and criminal terrorist conspiracy... with a view to prepare crime," the judicial source said on Friday. The source added that Hamahmy was still in hospital. (Reporting by Chine Labbe; Writing by Maya Nikolaeva; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)