Suspension of personal visits to hospitals extended for 4 more weeks: MTF

elderly woman happiness talking with caregiver
(FILE PHOTO: Getty Images)

SINGAPORE — The suspension of personal visits to hospital wards and residential care homes will be extended by four more weeks from 21 February to 20 March, the multi-ministry taskforce (MTF) said on Wednesday (16 February).

The MTF previously suspended such visits for four weeks through to 20 February.

It remains crucial healthcare capacity and vulnerable groups are protected, The Ministry of Health (MOH) said in a statement.

Hospitals and Homes have the discretion to allow visits for exceptional cases. These visitors will continue to be subject to visitor management measures.

Hospitals and Homes will also continue to support alternative methods of communication such as through telephone or video calls to let patients and residents remain connected with their loved ones.

Nursing home residents with COVID

Currently, nursing home residents infected with COVID-19 are moved from the nursing homes to recover at separate care facilities.

However, the majority of Omicron cases in nursing homes were mildly symptomatic and did not require the level of medical care provided at hospitals or dedicated COVID care facilities.

“Also, moving away from a familiar environment can be distressing to nursing home residents and disruptive to their holistic care,” MOH said.

With immediate effect, MOH and the Agency for Integrated Care will progressively support nursing homes to care for their fully vaccinated COVID-19 residents who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic within their premises, but isolated from other uninfected residents.

This will allow generally well residents with COVID-19 infection to recover safely under the care of their nursing home provider who is also most familiar with their needs. Residents assessed to be at higher risk, or who show signs of clinical deterioration, will continue to be conveyed to a care facility.

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