Sweden releases from custody second suspect over deadly truck attack

FILE PHOTO - People were killed when a truck crashed into department store Ahlens on Drottninggatan, in central Stockholm, Sweden April 7, 2017. TT News Agency/Anders Wiklund/via REUTERS/File Photo

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish prosecutors said on Tuesday they had released a second suspect detained over possible involvement in a truck attack in Stockholm this month in which four people were killed. They said the person, who was detained on Sunday and has not been identified, was no longer a suspect in the case. As well as the four deaths, 15 people were injured on April 7 when a truck ran into pedestrians on a shopping street before crashing into a department store in the centre of the capital. The suspected driver, a failed asylum seeker from Uzbekistan, remains in custody. (Reporting by Anna Ringstrom; Editing by Gareth Jones)