Swedish police say confident they have right man in truck attack

STOCKHOLM 2017-04-08 People laying flowers near the crime scene in central Stockholm the morning after a hijacked beer truck plowed into pedestrians on Drottninggatan and crashed into Ahlens department store on Friday, killing four people, injuring 15 others. TT News Agency/Jonas Ekstromer/via REUTERS

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish police are increasingly confident they have caught the man responsible for a truck attack in the capital Stockholm on Friday, but would not rule out the possibility that other people had been involved. "Nothing points to that we have the wrong person, on the contrary, suspicions have strengthened as the investigation has progressed," the head of the national police, Dan Eliasson, told reporters. "We still can not rule out that more people are involved." (Reporting by Stockholm Newsroom; Editing by Simon Johnson)