Syrian militant group releases video of leader apparently uninjured

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Two weeks after Russia said it had critically injured the leader of the Tahrir al-Sham militant group in Syria, an undated video was published on Wednesday, purporting to show its leader Abu Mohamad al-Golani, apparently in good health.

The video showed Golani lecturing his fighters and played scenes of militants in battle.

After the reported strike earlier this month, a Russian Defence Ministry spokesman said Golani had lost an arm and was in critical condition.

Russia is an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Previously called the Nusra Front, the group severed ties with al Qaeda last year and in January re-branded itself as leading force in the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham alliance. Opposed to the Syrian government, the jihadist group is the dominant faction in the northwestern rebel-held province of Idlib.

(Reporting by Sarah Dadouch,Suleiman al-Khalidi and Lisa Barrington)