Pakistan officials say Afghan Taliban signal readiness for peace talks

Afghan security forces arrive at the site of an attack in Kunduz province October 27, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer/Files

By Mehreen Zahra-Malik and Jibran Ahmad ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Senior Pakistani army and diplomatic officials said on Thursday the Afghan Taliban have signalled through the Pakistani military that they are willing to open peace talks, which could begin later in the day. Sources in the Afghan Taliban said their negotiators would hold a first round of talks with U.S. officials in Qatar on Thursday, although no comment was immediately available from U.S. or Qatari officials. Previous efforts to negotiate an end to a war that began in late 2001 have proved fruitless, but the latest signals raised hopes of a much-needed boost for new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. "The first session will take place today in Qatar and then there would be another session on Friday. Let us see what happens as talks before did not yield any results," a senior member of the Afghan Taliban said by telephone from Qatar. Bringing the Taliban to the negotiating table would be a major breakthrough in Afghan efforts to end more than a decade of war following the withdrawal of most U.S.-led troops last year. Earlier on Thursday, a senior Pakistani military official said Pakistan's army chief, General Raheel Sharif, told Ghani during a visit this week that the Taliban were willing to begin negotiations as early as March. "They have expressed their willingness and there will be progress in March. But these things are not so quick and easy," the official, who is close to the army chief, told Reuters on condition of anonymity. "But there are very clear signals ... and we have communicated it to the Afghans. Now many things are with the Afghans and they are serious," the official said. The official said, however, there was no firm timetable for talks. Other Taliban representatives had earlier denied they were willing to hold direct negotiations. Three senior diplomats in the region confirmed the account of imminent talks based on briefings from people who were at the Tuesday meeting between Ghani and Sharif. "The venue is still to be decided. Preferably Islamabad, Kabul, Beijing or Dubai," said one diplomat in Kabul. He and other diplomats spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. Ghani's office did not directly refer to any talks in a statement it issued but promised transparency. "I will not conduct any negotiation in secret from my people and they will be informed of any development,” he was quoted as saying. Attempts to get talks going in Qatar in 2013 came to nothing after the Afghan government objected to fanfare surrounding the opening of a Taliban office in the Gulf state, complete with flag and official plaques. BETTER TIES Exactly what pushed some Taliban towards talks was not clear, but the Afghan war is grinding on with no clear winner. With the departure of most U.S. and other foreign troops at the end of last year, Afghan security forces are struggling to defeat the insurgency, while the Taliban have been unable to hold much territory. The Taliban are also is facing a loss of support within Pakistan, which has developed closer relations with Afghanistan since Ghani took power late last year. Relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which has for years been close to the Taliban as Pakistan fretted over the influence of its rival, India, in Afghanistan, have long been marred by mistrust but Ghani has sought to improve ties. Pakistani Senator Afrasiab Khattak, who comes from Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on the Afghan border, said Ghani's efforts led to a commitment by Pakistan to encourage the Taliban to talk - possibly through threatening to end their use of Pakistani soil as a refuge. "Without sanctuaries, nobody can have sustainable fighting. Those who will talk, will talk. Those who do not agree can face co-ordinated action on both sides of the border," Khattak said. Pakistan, for its part, is pushing for the Taliban to agree to talk in exchange for an Afghan promise to capture and hand over the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, Mullah Fazlullah, who is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan. The Pakistani Taliban are separate from the Afghan Taliban although they share the goal of establishing an Islamist theocracy. The Kabul diplomat warned that any talks might hinge on the Taliban's reclusive leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, who has not been seen in public since 2001. "The final decision is still upon Mullah Omar, according to (Pakistani army chief) Raheel. The Taliban leadership is consulting him," the diplomat said. However, even if talks begin, it is unclear whether all insurgent commanders will want to end the fighting. The militants have split into factions since their regime was ousted by U.S.-backed Afghan forces in 2001, as part of a U.S. effort to hunt down al Qaeda leaders behind the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. (Additional reporting by Hamid Shalizi and Jessica Donati in KABUL and Katharine Houreld and Maria Golovnina in ISLAMABAD; Editing by Robert Birsel)