Teenager got a new kidney when his mum swapped hers with a stranger

Dan Hogben, 19, received a new kidney when his mum Alison donated hers to another person in exchange.

Dan Hogben, 19, and his mum Alison. (SWNS)
Dan Hogben, 19, and his mum Alison. (SWNS)

A teenager got a new kidney when his mum swapped hers with a stranger - whose family gave one back to her son in return.

Former footballer Dan Hogben, 19, was ready to take on a two-year scholarship with Hull City when he received a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease aged 16.

His kidney function fell to 13 per cent and he gave up the game because he could not keep up with the demands of academy football.

But Dan was then offered a chance of recovery through an organ-sharing scheme, where his mum Alison, 51, donated a kidney to another person in return for one from the same family.

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Dan Hogben received a kidney thanks to his mother Alison. (SWNS)
Dan Hogben received a kidney thanks to his mother Alison. (SWNS)

Dan had been diagnosed with kidney disease in 2019 and was then put on a constant diet of medication as his condition worsened over time.

He was a positive match with his mum but doctors were uncertain what caused his disease and decided it was safer for him to go into a kidney share scheme.

Dan has recovered from the operation and will put his sporting knowledge to use as a referee – while helping others struggling with their diagnosis.

He said: “I want to create positivity for other people who’ve recently been diagnosed and are just at the start of their journey of having kidney disease.

“When I first found out, all the positives in my life suddenly stopped. At that stage the future is uncertain, and you can’t imagine getting your life back to what it was.”

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Dan Hogben is now training to be a a referee. (SWNS)
Dan Hogben is now training to be a referee. (SWNS)

Hull City have been very supportive of Dan’s condition, allowing him to take his FA refereeing course at the academy he used to train at.

He will also be allowed to officiate some of the younger teams while he develops his refereeing skills.

Inspired by people like footballer Andy Cole who has also had a kidney transplant, Dan is keen to raise money for the charity Kidney Research UK.

Sandra Currie, chief executive at Kidney Research UK added: “Dan’s inspirational story is a real example of how a devastating situation can be turned into something so positive.

“With the support of people like Dan, our research will help people like him and future generations to live a better life with kidney disease and pursue their dreams with confidence.”