Tengku Permaisuri Selangor disagrees with MBSA’s plans to catch and kill stray dogs

Tengku Permaisuri Selangor disagrees with MBSA’s plans to catch and kill stray dogs
"Tengku Permaisuri Selangor disagrees with MBSA’s plans to catch and kill stray dogs"

Tengku Permaisuri Selangor Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin is “dismayed and disappointed” with an announcement by the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) that it intends to capture and kill stray dogs.

It follows a notice of operation where the city council aims to catch 500 stray dogs in Setia Alam from April 22-24.

In a statement today, Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin said: “I had repeatedly stressed that I disagree with the ‘catch-and-kill’ approach by any local authorities, including the one by the MBSA which recently went viral.

“I believe there are other methods to curb the problem, including neutering.

As the patron for the Stray Free Selangor campaign under the Selangor SPCA (Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals), I want all local councils to study new, more holistic approaches to managing stray dogs,” she added.

Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin had previously said that the Create Caring and Compassionate Communities (CCC) campaign should be intensified to reduce the number of stray animals.

The campaign had, among others, underscored several key initiatives involving cooperation between local councils and the SPCA in conducting the Responsible Pet Ownership campaigns with the locals.

Apart from expanding neutering programmes, Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin said local councils could cooperate with animal-loving residents to create shelters for stray animals in neighbourhoods.

Selangor SPCA, working with Universiti Putra Malaysia’s Veterinary Medicine Faculty, the Malaysian Veterinary Medical Association and the Malaysian Small Animal Veterinary Association, is actively conducting the ‘Potong Royong’ neutering programme for cats and dogs. Since the programme started in March 2023, 1,626 animals have been neutered.

She also added it is time for the authorities to review the Local Government Development Ministry’s circular on the Standard Operating Procedures Governing the Capture and Elimination of Stray Dogs under Local Councils so that it is more relevant.

“I truly hope that efforts to manage stray animals will continue and not be a case of ‘sekadar melepas batuk di tangga’ (doing a half-baked job),” she added.

MBSA’s planned exercise had caused an uproar among animal lovers.

Last week, PAWS Animal Welfare Society manager Lim Choon Sun had urged the council not to kill the dogs. Former lawmaker R. Sivarasa today said the state executive councillors “should call all stakeholders and draft a humane policy for the state”.

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