The families defending XL bully dogs: 'They're big friendly giants'

More than half a million people have signed a petition to scrap the planned ban on XL bully dogs.

  • XL bully owners have defended their pets against a potential ban as more than half a million people signed a petition to scrap the planned changes.

  • Rishi Sunak promised to ban the dogs following a spate of widely publicised attacks by the breed.

  • Professional boxer Mark Heffron, 31, says his two-year-old dog Tyson is a 'big friendly giant' who 'loves kids', including daughter Poppy.

Poppy Heffron with her pet XL bully Tyson. (SWNS)
Poppy Heffron with her pet XL bully Tyson. (SWNS)

XL bully owners have defended their pets against a potential ban as more than half a million people signed a petition to scrap the planned changes.

Prime minister Rishi Sunak announced the dogs would be banned by the end of the year in response to a series of attacks.

A man died after being mauled by two suspected XL bully dogs in Staffordshire last Thursday, which followed an attack on an 11-year-old girl in Birmingham which was caught on camera.

Some campaign groups quickly backed the decision to ban the dogs, but other organisations – including the RSPCA and the Kennel Club – say outlawing the animals would not stop attacks.

A petition to stop the ban has reached more than 550,000 signatures in under a week, with the figure growing steadily.

The petition, launched by father-of-two Glyn Saville, a bully dog owner from Oxfordshire, says: "Bad owners are to blame not the breed - don't ban the XL bully."

Watch: PM promises to ban 'dangerous' XL bully dogs by end of year

Banning American bully XL dogs is the responsibility of environment secretary Therese Coffey's department.

But it is understood there are concerns over the feasibility of adding the American bully as the dog is not recognised as a specific breed by the Kennel Club.

It could be hard to define and a ban could inadvertently outlaw a range of other dogs.

Owners of the breed will not see their pets culled but will likely face new restrictions – including a requirement to have the dogs neutered.

'He's a friendly giant who loves kids'

Professional boxer Mark Heffron, 31, says his two-year-old dog Tyson is a "big friendly giant" who "loves kids", including his daughter Poppy.

Heffron, from Oldham, said: "I don’t think it’s the dogs, it’s the owners that are bringing them up to be nasty, just like any other dog.

"If you bring it up to be nasty, it’s going to be nasty."

Poppy Heffron with Tyson the XL Bully. (SWNS)
Poppy Heffron with Tyson the XL bully. (SWNS)

He added: "He’s a big friendly giant, he’s so laid-back and chilled, he loves kids.

"He’s a good listener, he even listens to my little girl.

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"If she says, ‘Tyson, get in the kitchen,’ he’ll go off into the kitchen."

Mark's fiancée, Rebecca, 29, agrees and added the dog wouldn't be allowed to be around Poppy if she didn't trust Tyson.

She said: "She absolutely adores him.”

'They're a constant emotional support'

XL bully Rosie with owner xxx who has autism. (SWNS)
XL bully Rosie with owner Joe, who has autism. (SWNS)

The Beaumont family's dog Rosie enjoys a special relationship with 16-year-old Joe, who has autism and receives emotional support from the pet.

The two-year-old dog is equally as popular with the eldest member of the household - Joe's great-grandmother Doreen Anderson, 83 - since she moved into the family's home in the town of Ashford, Kent.

On her eldest son Joe's special relationship with Rosie, mum Lindsey Beaumont said: "As soon as Joe comes in from college he runs to hug Rosie.

"If he closes down and is not able to speak what he is feeling or thinking, he will go to the dog.

“It's unconditional love. She is the biggest comfort and help - she's his lifeline.

“She is his constant emotional support and sometimes the only way I can get him to communicate."

'My XL bully is my little princess'

Emma Jepson, 35, adopted four-year-old Roxy - a Ridgeback and XL bully crossbreed - in October 2022.

Jepson, an admin assistant from Morecambe, said: “Hearing about the ban is devastating - Roxy is my little princess.

“She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body - she loves little kids and gives them kisses and cuddles.

Emma Jepson adopted XL bully Roxy. (SWNS)

“I trust her 100% - she’s so soft.”

Emma first adopted Roxy after she was "dumped by her breeder" while heavily pregnant.

She says Roxy is her “baby” - and, when she does have her own children, they’ll be “her babies alongside my dog babies”.

'The ban won't work - people will work around the law'

Harley and mum Kaylee with Isla. (SWNS)
Harley, left, and his mother Kaylee Hankins, right, with Isla the XL bully. (SWNS)

Kaylee Hankins, 32, says 16-month-old Isla is loved by locals in the Cotswolds market town Minchinhampton.

She said the family pet is adored by sons Harley, seven, and Leo, 14, who cuddle up with her on the sofa every morning.

Hankins added: "She comes on the school run every day and is greeted by all sorts of dogs and people of all ages.

"Everyone around here adores her - she’s like the famous dog of Minchinhampton. If I've not got her with me, they all ask where she is."

She said: "I don't believe banning the breed will work, people will work around the law.

"I’d be happy to get her assessed and get a licence.”