How murdered 'Traitors Canada' player Gurpyar Bains spotted a Traitor

"I just got that reassurance that I chose the right guy," Bains said

How murdered 'Traitors Canada' player Gurpyar Bains spotted a Traitor (CTV)
How murdered 'Traitors Canada' player Gurpyar Bains spotted a Traitor (CTV)

While 25-year-old Gurpyar Bains, a paediatric registered nurse from Calgary, Alta., was the most recent contestant on CTV's The Traitors Canada to be murdered, he was also able to spot one of the three Traitors, Mike D’Urzo, before anyone else.

"Looking back at it, I feel great," Bains told Yahoo Canada. "I just got that reassurance that I chose the right guy at the table, made a good decision, followed my gut."

"I knew [Melissa Best] was a Traitor. I agreed with everybody that she had bad acting, there were small places where she slipped up. So then I was motivated to find the next guy and my spotlight got on Mike. ... I mentioned at the roundtable that Mike just kept bringing up Donna [Hartt], no one in the group brought up Donna that day, we kind of just brushed it under the rug. ... Mike was also defending her the last day. Just the way Mike was speaking, I just had a gut feeling."

Catch up on The Traitors Canada on Crave

In terms of identifying Big Brother Canada alum Kuzie Mujakachi as the third Traitor, Bains admitted that was more difficult, but not entirely unsurprising.

"Kuzie was actually on my list," Bains said. "I did have a little bit of a mental journal every day, but she wasn't as high as Mel B."

"But she wasn't on my Faithful list either. ... I had my suspicions on Kuzie and when I found out who all the Traitors were, I wasn't too surprised."

'I didn't want to play as someone who I'm not'

While Bains seemed particularly committed to identifying the Traitors, that doesn't mean that he wasn't able to make some strong connections in the game as well, particularly with Amazing Race Canada Season 2 winner Mickey Henry, 38-year-old firefighter from Halifax Leroy Fontaine and Masterchef Canada star Mai Nguyen.

"Leroy and Mickey were probably the strongest," Bains said. "Mickey ... was too nice to be a Faithful."

"Whenever I needed some fresh air and I just didn't want to think about the game, and just needed a mental break, it was just nice sitting with Mickey."

Now being able to watch Traitors Canada at home, Bains understands why it's a frustrating show to watch, where you see people getting into arguments about someone they believe is a Traitor, but is actually a Faithful. That's been particularly true between Nguyen and former MuchMusic VJ Rick Campanelli.

"I totally see the frustration, but also at the same time, when you're in the game, it's tough," Bains said.

"I think the reason everybody's so passionate is ... everybody wants to win. Emotions are high, none of us have spoken with family or anything, we all live in the manor, what you see on TV is what you get. There's no outside time to chill."

While being a Faithful largely led to his demise in the game, Bains is happy he wasn't chosen to be a Traitor.

"It's not that I don't think I could have been a good Traitor, but at the same time, I didn't want to play as someone who I'm not," he said. "I didn't want to put up a persona. I got to play as me and I didn't have to stress about lying."

Catch up on The Traitors Canada on Crave

Where to watch 'The Traitors Canada'

The Traitors Canada airs Mondays at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on CTV,, and the CTV app.

You can also catch up on episodes on the Crave streaming platform.