A third of Danes wouldn't accept AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot - survey

AstraZeneca vaccination in southern Spain

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - One in three Danes would decline to get a COVID-19 shot using AstraZeneca's vaccine, local media outlets TV 2 and Politiken reported late on Wednesday, citing a recent survey.

Two weeks ago, Denmark was among the first countries in Europe to temporarily suspend the use of AstraZeneca's vaccine due to a small number of reported cases of rare brain blood clots, registered both in Denmark and elsewhere.

Several countries, including France and Germany, have resumed using the vaccine following an investigation into the reports by the European Union's drug watchdog, which said last week it was still convinced the benefits outweigh the risks.

The survey, conducted by Megafon among 1053 persons, showed 33% of Danes would decline to get a shot with AstraZeneca's vaccine, however. Only 7% would decline regardless of which COVID-19 vaccine, they were offered.

More women than men would say no, according to the survey.

Approximately 150,000 people had already received AstraZeneca's shot in Denmark before it was suspended earlier in March. Authorities are expected to announce whether to resume using the vaccine or continue the suspension later on Thursday.

The Danish Medicines Agency, which registers drugs' side-effect, has logged twelve cases of blood clots following inoculation with the vaccine.

(Reporting by Nikolaj Skydsgaard; Editing by Toby Chopra)