Thirteen dead as Mumbai-bound bus with over 40 passengers falls into gorge

A Mumbai resident makes his way home along the deserted Wadala highway (AFP via Getty Images)
A Mumbai resident makes his way home along the deserted Wadala highway (AFP via Getty Images)

At least 13 people were killed and about two dozen others are reportedly injured as a Mumbai-bound bus carrying over 40 individuals fell into a gorge on Saturday morning.

The private bus, carrying members of a music troupe, were returning to Mumbai from Pune when the accident occurred early Saturday morning, according to The Indian Express.

Local news reports suggest the bus was carrying a total of 41 passengers, of whom 27 have been rescued so far.

Authorities fear the death toll may increase over time.

About 25 individuals have been injured in the accident that likely occurred due to loss of control of the vehicle on the ghat, police officials have said.

They say the bus driver likely had difficulties navigating the difficult road.

Rescue operations are underway and the injured have been admitted to local hospitals.

Visuals of the incident suggest the windows and the roof of the bus was completely damaged in the accident.

Locals are using ropes to pull the remaining survivors to safety, local media reported.

State Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has announced a compensation of INR 500,000 [£4,900] for the next of kin of the deceased.

The state government announced that it would bear the cost of treatment of the injured.

“Hospital for immediate treatment and the local administration is coordinating their treatment. The state government will also bear the cost of treatment of the injured,” Deputy chief minister of the state Devendra Fadnavis said.

Mr Fadnavis said “all-out efforts” are being made to pull out the bus from the valley, expressing condolences to the families of the deceased.

“Expressing condolences to the deceased and their families, an aid of Rs 5 lakh each [£4,900] has been announced to the relatives of the deceased,” Mr Shinde tweeted after interacting with hikers and people part of the rescue efforts.

He said he was in constant communication with the Raigad Police authorities about the completion of the rescue operation.