Threatening Arson, Driving Through A Potential Tornado, And 16 Other Dad Moves I Just Couldn't Believe

1. This dad decided to skip his own child’s wedding because they required vaccination:

2. This dad actually threatened to burn down his kid’s house:

3. This dad extended kindness to a child who needed it:

4. This dad absolutely flipped his lid the second his adult child tried to set a boundary:

5. This dad finally stopped beating around the bush and just asked:

6. This dad really had the audacity to insult his own kid’s appearance (and then defend himself for doing it):

7. This dad lent a helping hand and some kind words because hey, being an adult is hard:

8. This dad got real weird because his daughter said the word “sexy”:

9. This dad showed that he pays attention with the cutest lil’ dessert:

10. This dad got nasty and uncalled for over his kid deciding to go to college:

11. This dad risked driving through a tornado just to make sure his kid was safe:

12. This dad couldn’t even be bothered to take his kid to urgent care:

13. This culinarily challenged dad put on his apron and proved it’s the thought that counts:

14. This dad went through his child’s YouTube history without their permission and blew things wayyy out of proportion:

15. This dad reacted to his child coming out in literally the worst way possible:

16. This dad just wanted his son to be happy:

17. This dad proved how messed up his priorities are:

18. And finally, this dad gave his pride and joy a Valentine’s Day to remember:

h/t: r/insaneparents and r/mademesmile