Tickets to London's New Year's Eve fireworks event rise to £20

Tickets to London's New Year's Eve fireworks event rise to £20

The cost of a ticket to the New Year’s Eve fireworks in central London is increasing by 33 per cent, Mayor Sadiq Khan announced, ahead of them going on sale on Friday.

Tickets allowing access to the Victoria Embankment will cost £20, up from £15 last year – and will again be limited to a maximum of four.

The spectacular event, alongside the London Eye accompanied by the midnight chimes from Big Ben, normally sells out.

More than 100,000 tickets will be available, with the first tranche released at midday on November 3.

Revenue generated by ticket sales helps to cover the cost of hosting the event, which is designed to showcase the capital to the rest of the UK and a wider global audience.

Last year the event cost City Hall £4.3m, of which £1.3m was recouped from ticket sales.

The 2022 fireworks, which included a tribute to the Queen, who had died in September, was the first time that revellers were allowed back alongside the Thames since 2019.

But it was marred by crowd control issues when hundreds of people without tickets charged through barriers, including on the south side of Westminster bridge, to watch the display.

Police had to draw their batons when a “small but determined group” pushed down fences.

Mr Khan admitted this caused a “crowd safety risk” and promised that the Met would work with event organisers and stewards to prevent a repeat of the chaos.

The pandemic meant the fireworks display was held without any accompanying crowds for two years, meaning it could only be seen from a distance or live on TV. The event normally attracts a TV audience in excess of 11m.

Mr Khan said: “Celebrating the new year in the heart of our capital while watching our spectacular fireworks display on the banks of the River Thames is the best ticket in town.

“Millions around the world will see our capital's skyline illuminated by an extraordinary celebration of fireworks that will show London is for everyone.

“The only way to enjoy the fireworks in person is by buying a ticket in advance, so I urge anyone wanting to join us to book their ticket as early as possible so they can come and enjoy another wonderful show.”

City Hall said that the event attracted visitors from across the world and it was vital to book tickets early.

Ticket agency AXS is the only authorised vendor and tickets purchased elsewhere will not be valid.

There is also an opportunity to donate to TAP London, a charity working with homeless Londoners.

Imran Tauqir, general manager of the London Eye, said: “London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks are renowned as the world’s most iconic New Year’s Eve celebrations and we are delighted to once again partner with the Mayor of London to bring this incredible show back to the London Eye.

“A dazzling display of colour and sound awaits, against the backdrop of our world famous landmark, for both those watching here in London and for TV audiences across the globe as we welcome in 2024.”

The New Year’s Eve fireworks has been a ticketed event since 2014.

From 2003-2013, before ticketing was introduced, the event was hugely oversubscribed, with up to 500,000 people heading into central London to try and catch the display.

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