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TikTok says this is the deodorant that ‘hot girls in L.A. are currently obsessed with’ — and it smells magical

Your standard deodorant contains harsh ingredients that may prevent your body from sweating, and in turn, it clogs your pores. On the other hand, natural or organic deodorant still allows your body to sweat, but it prevents bad B.O. by keeping bacteria at bay. (FYI, when bacteria mixes with sweat, that’s what makes it smell.) However, if you’ve ever tried a natural deodorant, you know that it can take some time and regular use to really work — and it can make you feel a little extra stinky in the process. But it’s worth it!

So anyways, if you’re looking to make the switch, apparently, the “hot girls in L.A.” found the best natural deodorant, and it smells incredible. According to actress and comedian Esther Povitsky, the girls are using a natural deodorant by a brand called Corpus in the scent Cedar Flora.

Povitsky started a series on TikTok she calls “things hot girls in L.A. are currently obsessed with,” and in her part three video, she shares the deodorant recommendation.

Available in six scents.

$24 at Nordstrom

“First up is this deodorant. It’s by a brand I’ve never heard of called Corpus, and it’s these like magical foresty scents,” Povitsky says in her post. “Basically, I asked this really hot, successful, rich hot girl, ‘Hey do you know of a good semi-natural deodorant?’ You know, just leaving the door open for any options. And this is what she sent me. I instantly ordered it, and I really like it.”

Since then, people have been taking her recommendation and purchasing it for themselves. In another TikTok post by @glowupu, she lists products you may own that make you “that girl.” One of them is the Corpus deodorant. “If you use this, I know for a fact that your socks always match,” she says about using it. “I bought this because of Esther, and when I say it is the best-smelling deodorant I have ever smelled.” Many people in the comments seemed to agree.

The Corpus Natural Deodorant is a stick that according to the product description at Nordstrom, glides on clear without crumbling or staining clothes. It comes in six fragrances, but the Cedar Flora is the most popular. It has notes of guaiacwood, cedarwood and white florals. It also costs $24.

Hey, natural deodorant, or actually any deodorant you have to buy from Nordstrom, isn’t going to be cheap. However, according to TikTok and reviewers, the results are worth it. Think of it like a little luxury you can use to smell good and keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.

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