TikToker recreates teens’ sandwich recipes found in 1975 issue of ‘Seventeen’ magazine: ‘I’m so invested in this’

Six 48-year-old sandwich recipes, penned by teenagers in the 1970s, are going viral thanks to one TikToker’s video series — and viewers are deeply invested in the results.

Vintage collector and TikToker Rosalind Waters (@rosalind.waters) gained viral attention when she decided to recreate submissions from the January 1975 international “Sandwich Sweepstakes,” featured in Seventeen magazine.

While we’ve seen vintage content go viral on the app before — like the 1950s pink kitchen that TikTokers wish would make a comeback, or the 1960s high school photos that’s making Gen Z-ers feel like they were born in the wrong era — history- and food-lovers alike are loving Waters’s throwback sandwich recreations.

According to Waters, she came across the sandwich contest after purchasing a 1975 issue of Seventeen magazine on eBay.

The “stack-’em-up olympics,” as Seventeen called the competition, drew over 5,000 recipe submissions. The first-prize winner was given $50, while the five runner-up winners received $10 each.

“On the basis of taste, ease of preparation and originality, our editors chose six on-the-money finalists,” the article reads.

Waters began her series by recreating the fifth runner-up — the “Bologna Club,” submitted by 14-year-old Mary Weller of Arlington, Wash.

“I feel like frying up the bologna woulda made it palatable,” commented @jessreads2much.

“Curry powder is fairly progressive for the era. Have to give them points for that,” wrote @doughgasm.

Next, Waters recreated the fourth runner-up’s submission — the “California Delight,” submitted by 16-year-old Gina Link of San Diego.

“ohhh that looks good,” commented @erika_meis.

“Avocado 🥑 would’ve been really exotic for 1970’s midwesterners,” wrote @sara221r.

The third runner-up was the “Texas Toast Teaser,” submitted by 17-year-old Bob Jack of Dallas.

“This looks so good!!!!!” wrote @mariskara1976.

To this, Waters replied, “The broiled meat with the tomato was excellent!”

Waters then recreated the second runner-up recipe — the “Super Chicken,” submitted by 19-year-old Mary Edmonds of Mulino, Ore.

“No seasonings, no spices, just a dollop of mayo on white bread,” commented @drhds.

While Waters has yet to film her recreation of the first-place winner, according to Seventeen magazine, that prize went to a sandwich called the “Neopolitan Split,” submitted by 15-year-old Deborah Lott of Gettysburg, Pa.

TikTokers have been fascinated by Waters’s series, as evidenced by the comments.

“I’m so invested in this series omg 😂” wrote @hippodelphia.

“I love this series so much!!! Can’t wait for you to try the grand prize winner!” commented @crabbycore.

“I live nearish to the winner. Imagine their grandkids learning that their grandma won a contest. I hope this TT finds them,” wrote @playarita.

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