Apple brings its free tutorials to YouTube

It's a new way to experience one of the company's Today at Apple sessions.


Since 2017, all of Apple's retail stores have offered Today At Apple sessions, free workshops where you can learn, among other things, how to get the most out of the company's devices and software. In 2020, necessitated by the pandemic, Apple started offering those tutorials online, hosting the sessions over Cisco Webex. Starting today, the company is making Today at Apple tutorials available on YouTube.

The first one will teach you how to draw yourself as a Peanuts character in Pages. Krista Porter, a storyboard artist on The Snoopy Show, leads the nearly 10-minute long tutorial alongside Anthony, a creative pro at Apple's Carnegie Library location in Washington DC. Showrunner Mark Evestaff also makes an appearance in the video to talk about the Apple TV+ exclusive. We'll have to see how later episodes shape up, but at least in its current YouTube form, Today at Apple is as much a workshop series as it is a product advertisement.

That's not surprising. Today at Apple has had that slant for a while, but it's only one facet of the program as a whole. The move to YouTube also means the sessions don't function as a workshop where you can ask the instructor to clarify a point. So it's best to think of the program's YouTube availability as a way for the company to show people who might know about Today at Apple that it exists. Apple says it will upload more Today at Apple sessions to YouTube in the future.