Tokyo breaks record by registering most heatwave days ever after 1995 and 2010

Tokyo has recorded the highest number of days of severe heat in a year by the mid-point of summer with temperatures reaching 35C for the 14th time this year.

According to an official at the Japan Meteorological Agency, the city broke previous annual records of 13 such hot days in 1995 and 2010, reported Bloomberg.

According to the weather body, during an extremely hot day, the mercury hits 35C or higher.

Last week, the temperature in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward stood at 35.7C, which was the thirteenth severely hot day this year, reported The Mainichi.

Like several parts of Europe, south Asia and the Americas, Japan is also reeling from extreme heat waves and high temperatures caused by human-induced climate crisis.

High temperatures in Japan’s capital have pushed the city to the brink of blackouts with the government urging the capital’s 37 million population and businesses to conserve more power.

In June, the government had announced that Japan’s nuclear reactors will be put to use to meet rising electricity demand, as the public suffers the worst heatwave it has seen in 150 years.

Japan’s power supply had reduced after it had stopped the usage of its nuclear reactors following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown.

Soaring temperatures have also created health concerns for residents in Japan.

According to official data, over 14,000 heatwave-related hospitalisations were witnessed in Japan in the first week of July.

On Tuesday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said on Twitter that a high level study group meeting will be held on 22 August to analyse the factors behind the record high temperatures from late June to early July this year, and changes in the weather thereafter.

The agency will also publish the results of the analysis on its website.