A 10-year-old with autism was found wandering about on a cold February night wearing only a T-shirt, socks, and underwear, police in Poland said.Krapkowice Police published this footage showing the boy being let into a store in Zdiesowice just before 11 pm on February 1. Zdiesowice saw lows of -4 degrees Celsius (24.8 Fahrenheit) that day.Police were called to the store after a man saw the boy and took him inside the store. Police said they found the boy scared, and difficult to communicate with.After calming down, the boy led police to his home. “When they knocked on the apartment door, the boy’s parents opened the door, completely surprised that the son left the apartment, unnoticed by anyone,” police said.Police ran a sobriety test on the boy’s parents and found that they were both under the influence of alcohol.“Under such circumstances, the boy could not be left under the care of his parents and was handed over to his grandfather,” police said.The boy’s parents had “suspected that the son might have wanted to go to his grandfather’s house,” with whom he has a good relationship. Credit: Krapkowice Police via Storyful