The top ten hottest PC games in China right now (INFOGRAPHIC)

New year, new approach! Last year we reported repeatedly on China’s top ten PC games, and we’ll likely continue those reports in the future. But this year we’re also going to pass along occasional lists of China”s hottest PC games, as measured by Chinese gaming site 17173 using all kinds of data including voting, traffic, and user behavior.

17173 is one of China’s biggest gaming sites, and it’s one of the few that’s not directly affiliated with a game developer publisher (Tencent, Netease, and Sina all run major gaming sites but they’re also all in the games business). This is not to suggest that any of those portals’ coverage or the data they report is biased, of course! But it still seemed like a good idea to inject some third-party data into the mix, so here you have it: The top ten hottest games in China right now, according to 17173:


It’s no surprise to see CrossFire, DnF, and League of Legends at the top, as that’s where they are on almost every game ranking I’ve seen over the past year or so. But it’s interesting to see Blade & Soul so high — apparently I’m not the only one enjoying the beta that launched in November — and World of Warcraft still apparently buzzing despite its age. I guess Chinese gamers are getting psyched for the Warlords of Draenor expansion.


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Korea's top ten games right now (December 2013) include some old stalwarts and some surprises. But you definitely won't be shocked to see who's number one.

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The post The top ten hottest PC games in China right now (INFOGRAPHIC) appeared first on Games in Asia.